I am back
After an absence of many months due to moving into a new home which took far longer than we imagine, we have now settled and I am ready to resume my web page.
This picture is one of the first watercolours I have painted in my new studio.
A simple flower study of clematis and a flower I don't the name of in a concrete flower box I took them into the studio set them on a table and put a soft light on it.
It looked rather plain in this setting which I new it would because I often like to create my own background and had decided to that would be the case here.
My intention was to make more of red bricks on the left and make them appear to be another wall. and the table top would become tiles, plus I would create more flowers in the box.
Think of this as an exercise in creative imagination an attribute most artist strive for.
Some can do it better than others and if you have it, or acquire by practise it will always stand help you when your subject needs a bit of help.
Composition for this painting
The Brick wall on the left leads the viewer to the flowers in the box this is reinforced with the tiles on the floor.
the flowers get smaller as they move towards the left creating a eye path to the tiles to start the journey all over again.
Only each viewer can decide wether this works for, if it does then you have a good painting
The Catalan method for Still life's.
The Catalan Association of watercolour painters is one of the oldest associations in Europe 1865, and this is part of the methods they use to teach students watercolour.
I don't agree with all the content of the instruction But this particular segment I have found very good for rapid development of composition and design skills.
I include this in my classes frequently to reinforce the act of creating instead of merely copying a photograph which neglects design because it is already done for you by the photograph.
Various items are placed on a table, which has a single light source.
The students will choose what items the want to include in their watercolour.
They will decide their own arrangement IE composition and colour, the important values are which describe form are taken from the cast shadows produced from the light source.
The photograph above left shows the table with random items you can choose any or all of them, also you can change their size or colour, embellish them for instance add more flowers more fruit provided they are of the same variety.
For this demonstration I have chosen the flower vases and two Orangees and a apple.
I make a light outline drawing on the watercolour paper.
When the first wash is dry I add local colour to all the shapes., not even attempting to describe detail at this stage.
On my foundational washes I start to add value and detail with Derwent colour pencils.
This quick demonstration was completed in under the hour and would be used for a more a finished study if I am happy with the outcome.
For this demonstration I have chosen the flowers vase and two oranges and a apple.
It will be a quick study using mixed media for a more considered work later.
I plan to do this in two washes and Derwent coloured pencil.
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